Tilmicosin Hapten Design and Synthesis Service

Tilmicosin is a semisynthetic macrolide derivative of tylosin, which can interfere with the synthesis of bacterial proteins, and has antibacterial activity against certain Gram-negative bacteria, mycoplasma, rickettsia, and chlamydia Role, is a special antibiotic for livestock and poultry. Tilmicosin has a better bactericidal effect on gram-negative bacteria, Mycoplasma, and Pasteurella than tylosin, and can be used to control mycoplasma avian influenza and mastitis in lactating cattle.

In recent years, the use of immunoassays in the detection of small molecule compounds has increased. The key step in establishing an immunoassay for small molecule compounds is to obtain antibodies with high specificity and affinity. However, due to the lack of an epitope that can be recognized by T cells to trigger an immune response, tilmicosin is difficult to produce corresponding specific antibodies, so it is called hapten. Creative Biolabs provides customers with the design and synthesis services of tilmicosin haptens. Besides, our scientific modification method can maintain the original structure of tilmicosin while giving it a certain degree of immunogenicity, which can help you obtain antibodies with high specificity and affinity in related immunoassays.

Structure of Tilmicosin. Fig.1 Structure of Tilmicosin.1, 2

Tilmicosin Hapten Design and Synthesis Service

Immunoassay is a trace analysis method based on specific recognition between antigen and antibody. The key is to obtain high-quality antibodies, which depends on rational hapten design. In general, a properly designed hapten should highly overlap with the target molecule in a three-dimensional structure and bring stable immunogenicity to induce an immune response. Tilmicosin hapten design and synthesis services are important for antibody development, and has the following characteristics:

  • The more similar a hapten derivative is to a target, the more likely it is to produce specific antibodies. In addition, the short, semi-rigid, unsaturated, double-bond structure is often beneficial for the production of the desired antibody. Based on these theories, we designed haptens with short spacer arms or unsaturated double bond arms, and analyzed the similarities between drugs and haptens by molecular simulation.
  • Tilmicosin has similar electronic characteristics to Tylosin and has the same overlapping side-chain structure. The overlapping side chain structure is far from the derivatizing group of the hapten, so the side chain structure is one of the key binding sites of the antibody and causes high cross-reactivity between Tylosin and Tilmicosin.
  • We characterize trends in Tilmicosin antibody production based on sensitivity and specificity, so we tried to immunize BALB/c mice using different hapten strategies for the preparation and screening of high-quality monoclonal antibodies.

Tilmicosin Hapten Modification Service

Creative Biolabs can chemically modify the hapten at the appropriate position to introduce a spacer with an active group at the end, and then couple the modified hapten with a macromolecular carrier to form a hapten-carrier conjugate (eg Artificial antigen). Artificial antigens can use T cell epitopes to indirectly induce B cell proliferation and differentiation, thereby producing specific antibodies against small molecule compounds. Our services include modification of hapten sites, selection of vectors, coupling of hapten derivatives to vectors, and purification and identification of artificial antigens.

If you want to inquire more about our Tilmicosin hapten design and synthesis services, please contact us.


  1. Huang, Jian-Xin, et al. "Design of novel haptens and development of monoclonal antibody-based immunoassays for the simultaneous detection of tylosin and tilmicosin in milk and water samples." Biomolecules 9.12 (2019): 770.
  2. Distributed Open Access license CC BY 4.0, without modification.
All listed services and products are for Research Use Only. Do Not use in any diagnostic or therapeutic applications.
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